Our Mission

The reason we meet as a group is so that we can hang out, be ourselves and meet other people in the GLBT community.

At our meetings we can feel comfortable enough to let our guards down without having to worry about being judged or discriminated against.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Buzz Around Town

As most of you avid readers know, we regularly post now on Miles City dot COM . Recently we got some "bad press" in a discussion forum called "Fake Names" (which was not one of our start-up forums).

User "Chuck Schott" wrote:
I'm going to do this and take all the abuse that comes with it. How can you be out on the range and not use your real name?

User "Richard Bonine, Jr" added:

But then a supporter by the name of "LG" had this to say:
Because being out in Miles City is about as safe as being out on Brokeback Mountain.

If I were gay, I wouldn't broadcast it to the planet. Who I sleep or cavort with is my business and only mine.

I know out on the range, and know that 'it' (as I won't define gender) has been subject to much malicious gossip in the past, and doesn't want any more negative attention. Especially not from people who are going to point fingers.

We, of course, had our two cents to add. This was our response:
Thank you “LG”!!!

Out on the Range is a group. (Therefore calling us “it” was appropriate, LG.) The reason we meet as a group is so that we can hang out, be ourselves, and meet other people in the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and trans-gender/transitional) community. At our meetings, we can feel comfortable enough to let our guards down without having to worry about being judged or discriminated against.

Yes, the hope would be that someday we could all be “OUT on the range” without anyone feeling there is a need for such a group. However, not everyone who attends our meetings is “out”- we like LG’s Brokeback Mountain reference! So until the time comes when we all do feel safe, we meet to remind ourselves that we are not alone… and we post on here for a couple of reasons.

>>It gets the word out to people who may want to attend our meetings so they can check out our website.

>>It lets the community know we are here without “OUTing” our attendees and allows the topic of GLBTs in Montana to be discussed in an open, nonthreatening setting. Without talking openly, we cannot hope to overcome things like ignorance, fear, and intolerance.

So keep talking about us, Chuck, even if it is negative. Because we have nothing bad to say about anyone, (except perhaps that, we dislike the three character traits listed above) and your narrow views serve as proof to us that we are needed in Miles City!

We'll see what reactions that gets! Click here to go to that forum and read the whole thing, including whatever gets written next.

Until our next post,

Stay strong! Stay proud! Stay you!
~The OOTR Crew